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Vintage Emerald Crown Ring

Vintage Emerald Crown Ring

Regular price $82.00 USD
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This haute couture vintage luxury edition 1-carat lab-grown emerald high carbon diamond ring is crafted with an intricate s925 sterling silver hollow design. The wide band, adorned with a full pavé setting, radiates elegance and opulence. Whether for parties, gatherings, work, or everyday wear, this ring will showcase your unique taste and noble temperament.


Laboratory-Grown Emeralds

Australian scientists use natural mineral components as raw materials to simulate the natural environment in a laboratory, allowing emeralds to recrystallize. These lab-created emeralds have the same composition and gem characteristics as natural emeralds. In the international jewelry world, they are referred to as *Lab Created Emeralds*. The term *Created* (created) is different from *Artificial* (man-made) and should not be confused with ordinary green imitations. These gems are "real"!

Are Lab-Grown Gems Real Gems?

Firstly, lab-grown gems are indeed real gems. They have the same composition as natural gemstones and possess almost identical physical and optical properties. They exhibit the same dazzling brilliance and fire as natural gems.

What Are the Differences Between Lab-Grown and Natural Emeralds?

The primary difference lies in their formation processes. Natural emeralds crystallize below the Earth's surface, while lab-grown emeralds are recrystallized in a controlled environment using natural emerald mineral components. It is virtually impossible to distinguish between the two with the naked eye. Differentiation typically requires high magnification and other specialized professional instruments operated by trained experts. Additionally, the cost of a 1-carat natural gemstone can often purchase several high-quality lab-grown gemstones of the same caliber.

这款高级时装复古奢华版 1 克拉实验室种植祖母绿高碳钻石戒指采用复杂的 s925 纯银空心设计制成。宽戒圈饰有全密镶镶座,散发着优雅和华丽的气息。无论是聚会、聚会、工作还是日常佩戴,这款戒指都会展现您独特的品味和高贵的气质。


澳大利亚科学家以天然矿物成分为原料,在实验室中模拟自然环境,让祖母绿重新结晶。这些实验室制造的祖母绿具有与天然祖母绿相同的成分和宝石特征。在国际珠宝界,它们被称为“实验室创造的祖母绿”。 “Created”(创造)一词不同于“Artificial”(人造),不应与普通的绿色仿制品混淆。这些宝石是“真实的”!




主要区别在于它们的形成过程。天然祖母绿在地球表面以下结晶,而实验室种植的祖母绿则使用天然祖母绿矿物成分在受控环境中重结晶。用肉眼几乎无法区分两者。区分通常需要高放大倍数和由训练有素的专家操作的其他专门的专业仪器。此外,一颗 1 克拉天然宝石的成本通常可以购买几颗相同口径的优质实验室培育宝石。


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